Day 28 of the 30 Day Challenge has found me up in Bradford. I am here for one night only and I am right in the city centre.
After a quick check on Google Maps I decided to have a mooch around the gardens of Bradford Cathedral. The Cathedral has a garden that is a real oasis of peace and beauty in this very built up area.

As soon as I walked up the steps into the garden I spotted some lovely Ivy Leaved Toadflax clinging to the wall. I love this little flower as it will grow in places where other flowers fear to tread.
As I walked to the end of the wall there was a building with this rather spectacular bike in the window. It had been decorated with all things nature – it even had a nest on the handlebars – quite a site.

There were many wild and domestic flowers around the Cathedral but the Red Valerian and the Foxglove got my attention.
The whole area around one side of the Cathedral was paved in gravestones and they made quite a contrast to the vibrant colours of these flowers – Life and death you could say.

As I left the Cathedral I spotted smoke on the horizon so I set off to investigate.

I came to a bridge over the railway and was confronted with this. The trains were going right through the smoke and by the smell I can only guess that a dump full of tyres had somehow been set alight.
Quite a contrast to the quiet beauty of the Cathedral.

I did not know what I would find when I went out for my Bradford Bimble but I am glad I did.