‘Looking for that moment‘ – always something at the back of my mind when I am out and about. These last few months I have been extremely busy at work so my Bimbles have been severely curtailed however there were one or two ‘Moments‘ over the last few months.
The thing that the three pictures below have in common (apart from the obvious) is that I walked past each location and then purposefully double backed to get the shots – I am glad I did now 🙂 The colours came out beautifully in my opinion.

As the nights have been drawing in I have tried to get a few night time shots in as well. The two shots of the moon I took using my DSLR however the Christmas Reindeer (outside Cardiff Castle) I took using my Sony mobile phone. I think I will be trying out a bit more night time photography in the future.

Walking in the woods on my own I find very relaxing as I can wander wherever my interest takes me however taking the kids out brings the woods more alive I think. There is something magical with the light in the autumn that the kids really love and I think it makes them more adventurous than when we have a heavy canopy of leaves – it certainly makes for easier photography.

As winter approaches (strange saying that in January) I hope we get some snow here in Southern England to get out to explore and photograph.
You can borrow some of mine if you like. it is waist-deep in places.
-23C at lunchtime today! Never believe anyone who says its too cold for snow.
My marvellous Siberian keep my feet warm anywhere boots have a design fault. I gave an impromptu English lesson in expletives from flat on my back underneath Lenin’s statue.
Incha’allah next month and big hugs.
Hi Rick
Glad it has warmed up for you out there. Pity about the pictures issue as I would have liked to have seen some from the ice fishing. See you soon buddy.