It has been a year and a half since the 2017 Chosin Cup. Since then I have been wanting to finish this blog post however I just could not get the video for it together – thankfully I have now finished the video – it was a bit of ‘Writers Block’ for videos you could say 🙂 , the video is at the bottom of the post.

We had teams from all over London (including one from the South of England). After a hectic weekend of tests they were faced with the Endurance race.

They needed all the warm up they could get as it was just mud, mud and more mud.

In between the piles of mud there were plenty of ropes to haul themselves along – some made it all the way but some did not…..

There were plenty of obstacles to throw themselves over, under or through.

Finally though it was the finish line and the finish of the Chosin Cup.

Here is my ‘Writers Block’ video 🙂