This thirty day challenge is proving a bit of a challenge all right. Not for the activities but for just sorting the pictures. The kids are having a ball though.
Tonight I needed to finish building a Gibbet crane (more on this in a later post) and I needed a fire to test the crane out. So instead of cracking on with it myself I got the kids involved.

First up we headed out to the wood pile and got a load of small twigs and small logs. Once collected Finlay and Catherine sorted them into different sizes by the firepit.

To light the fire we got a couple of firesteels out, had a little practice and then sparked up some char cloth.

The char cloth was popped into some hay and within a minute they had it well lit.

I got all my pictures of my crane sorted but the kids wanted the important stuff – marshmallows – could not disagree with them

Quite happy to do this one tonight as I needed to light the fire but it was a nice change to get the kids involved in the fire making this time.